Top 5 security vulnerabilities of corporate print fleets
Topics: printer security, network security, end point security, Security Manager, Security Assessment, secure print
No payments for 3 months on Brand New HP Enterprise Copiers, Printers and MFPs.
Topics: Payment Deferral Program, no payment
Topics: communication error, UPD, color tab missing, cannot duplex, update now fails, universal print driver, unable to print in color, trays missing
HP LaserJet loses network connection when it goes to sleep
Here is a common problem that plagues many printers, copiers, and multi-function devices. You go to print to the device and nothing happens. It is like the printer has completely lost network connectivity. You cannot ping it or even access the embedded web server of the device. Nothing seems to work other than going over to the printer and powering it off and then back on again.
Topics: hplosesnetworkconnection, SLP keep alive, unable to print, sleep
Security risks and recommendations for healthcare organizations
Topics: Healthcare, Risks, Security
Topics: MFP, Printing, LaserJet, Copying, Security Manager, optimize, save, Healthcare, GPO, Hospitals
TotalPrint USA is seeking seasoned sales professionals and MSPs to be part of our team.
Topics: sales agent, job opportunity, hiring
Topics: auto toner replenishment, toner cartridge, rental, lease, ink