A Managed Print Services program is the consolidation and management of an organization’s copiers, printers and multifunction devices under a unified program. The MPS vendor owns and manages the equipment and provides the supplies, service, and support eliminating the need to purchase or lease printers and copiers.
How Technology Can Improve Patient Experience and Performance in Healthcare
A conversation with Dr. Inga Lennes, Senior VP of Performance Improvement and Service Excellence at Massachusetts General Hospital. Presented by Biscom.
Topics: Managedprintservices
TotalPrint USA Simplifies Printing and MFP Integration with your Epic and Cerner Healthcare Software
Job Storage - A free and simple way to setup your HP LaserJet Printers and MFPs to require a PIN number to release print jobs
The HP LaserJet Printers and MFPs have a very nice free feature that allows you to send a print job to a LaserJet Printer or MFP and the print job will be stored on the machine until it is released using a PIN number. This feature is called Job Storage. It's completely free and built into just about every HP LaserJet Printer and MFP print driver.
Topics: copier, managed print services, end point security, Securemanagedprint, Managedprintservices, mps, HP, Totalprint usa
Topics: copier, Managedprintservices, Totalprint usa
When do you order toner? When our printer runs out...
Topics: Managedprintservices, Totalprint usa, toner, procurement, print, print volumes
Welcome to part 5 of 5 in my series, Danger in Plain Sight. In the last article, we shared some of the solutions that plague one of the most vulnerable parts of your network: your printers, copiers, and MFP's. Here, in our closing article, I will share some recommended next steps you should take to protect your devices better, regardless of which manufacturer created them.
Topics: managed print, Atlanta, copier, managed print services, printer security, Copier security, network security, end point security, Securemanagedprint, SMPS, Managedprintservices, mps, Worldsmostsecureprinters, enterpriseprintsecurity, hpfuturesmart, Hpsurestart, printersthatprotect, hpprint, HP
Don't Sign Another Copier Lease... Flexible Options Available
In today’s fast-paced world of ever changing technology, I think we can all agree... our expectations are set high. Long gone are the times of signing copier leases with no flexibility. In fact, those leases only made sense back when the internet didn't exist! They simply do not meet the demands set by consumers today, and should not be utilized in the managed print world.
Topics: managed print, managed print services, printer security, network security, Securemanagedprint, Managedprintservices, mps, hpfuturesmart, Hpsurestart, printersthatprotect, hpprint, HP
It's time to take some medicine. In the previous three parts of this series of five articles, we talked about the danger lurking inside of our networks, how it goes undefended and how the risks manifest. In this article, we’re ready to discuss the solutions.
Topics: managed print services, printer, printer security, Copier security, network security, end point security, Securemanagedprint, Managedprintservices, mps, Worldsmostsecureprinters, enterpriseprintsecurity, hpfuturesmart, Hpsurestart, printersthatprotect, hpprint